Hi Everyone, last we chatted Izzy was good to start the illustrations. She was going to start sending them to me to be placed in the page, and I was going to be using Photoshop. Well, let’s just say this week proved more challenging than expected. We were hoping half of the book would be […]
Author: kstrnic5261
How & Where to Publish
Self-publish or get a publisher? That is such a great question. And the short answer is, it depends! If you go with a publisher they edit, proofread, design, markets, and distribute your book. That sounds great! Right? But it’s very hard and time consuming to get a publisher take on a new author. If this […]
The Big Idea
HEElllloooo world. This is my first ever blog. I’m going to be updating this blog once a week throughout this journey. I want to start by giving you a 1-minute background of who I am, and how this blog came about.I am married and I have 2 kids. An energetic 10-year boy who loves playing […]